Top Summer Trips for High School Students


Indigo Research Team

July 27, 2024
Last Updated:
September 11, 2024
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The world is yours to take, and you can grow exponentially as a high school student. One way to achieve growth is to go on summer travel programs if you've never participated in any. True, these trips are fun. But aside from that, summer trips for high school students have its sheer benefits.

For example, you might immerse yourself in a new culture, learn the language, or even get to help a community. These excursions can ignite a passion you never knew was there. It will increase your confidence and could determine your career path in the future.

These high school summer adventure trips are meant to challenge you enough to get out of your comfort zone. These are the kind of experiences you will remember for a long time.

In the next few minutes, we will walk you through the best summer adventure trips for high school students. These summer vacations could change your life for the better.

How Can a Summer Trip Help?

Before we dive into the crux of the article, you should know what you'll benefit from student summer travel programs. The most important bonus, in our personal opinion, is to rest, recharge, and think about your future. 

It helps you get a different experience than just living at home, and maybe finally decide on your future plans for college and which college. Below are other benefits you’ll get from a summer travel trip. 

1. You’ll have a chance to learn other languages

It is crucial to be able to communicate effectively in different social settings.

By speaking another language, you will be able to fit in well with individuals from all races and also enhance your work options.

Research has shown that bilingual or multilingual people have better cognitive skills. Yes, better than those who speak only one language.

2. It's a way to show colleges that you can challenge yourself

Living in a country where no one speaks the language you understand and you know nobody can be a real pain.

Nonetheless, it demonstrates that you can take up challenging tasks. It shows you don't give in easily and are committed to completing anything you start.

3. You'd learn how to interact in a diverse environment

Travelling and residing in foreign countries can help you overcome ethnocentrism and develop cross-cultural empathy. You'd learn to coexist with individuals of diverse ethnicities.

These are all important parts of college life, during which you will encounter students from every part of the globe and study with them, too.

Those are what you stand to benefit when you participate in any of the summer trips for high school students we will share.

Five Summer Trip Vacation for High School Students

So, here is our well-researched list of some top summer travel programs for high schoolers.

1.  Global Leadership Adventures: Costa Rica - The Initiative for Children 

Duration: 14 days 

Location: Central Valley, Costa Rica 

Cost: $4,499 for the 14 days program 

Eligibility: High school students aged 14-18 

Do you see yourself as someone who would like to change the lives of other children and would love to do this in an amazing tropical country? 

Then, the 14-days or 28 days mission trip for high school students by Global Leadership Adventures in Costa Rica might just be what you are looking for. 

This unique program, "The Initiative for Children, " integrates volunteer work, cultural experience, and fun activities. 

Throughout this trip, you’ll engage in voluntary work within the local schools and community centres, interacting with kids.  

You’ll also be involved in painting educational murals, teaching English language lessons, or any other constructive activity. 

With this practical work, you contribute not only to the immediate environment around you but also gain a better understanding of some problems in education on a global level. 

When you’re not doing voluntary activities, there will be numerous chances for you to see the breathtaking natural environment of Costa Rica. 

You’d get to experience things like zipping across thick rainforest canopies, bathing in warm volcanic rivers, and walking around live volcanoes. Your perception of Costa Rican culture will also be enlightened with cooking classes and amazing dance lessons. 

This program is great if you’re a high schooler with a passion for improving education, child growth, and development and would like to have fun while at it. It is also an opportunity for you to learn Spanish because that’s the language here.

2. Rustic Pathways: Thai Elephant Conservation Project

Duration: 9 days

Location: Chiang Mai Province, Thailand

Cost: $2,995 (including airfare)

Eligibility: High school students aged 14-18

Picture yourself in the thick rainforests of North Thailand for the summer, working towards the conservation of one of the most majestic animals on earth – the Asian elephant. 

With their Thai Elephant Conservation Project, Rustic Pathways provides an amazing 12-day summer adventure trip for high school students in Thailand.

This special expedition will lead you to the core area of the elephant population in Chiang Mai province. 

In this place, you will join efforts with indigenous mahouts and professionals studying elephants to understand and enhance the protection of these animals. 

You will have a lot of fun during the day with activities like making food for elephants, studying what makes elephants tick, and how they can be kept healthy. You will be allowed to bathe these calm giants in the river!

Nonetheless, it's not all about the elephants during this journey. While there, you will stay in a rural village immersed in Thai culture and learn about ancient customs and practices. 

For example, you could learn how to plant rice in muddy fields, cook typical Thai meals, or engage in traditional Buddhist almsgiving ceremonies.

This trip is awesome if you love animals or are interested in wildlife conservation. It is an opportunity to have fun while making a difference. 

During this time, you will get practical knowledge working towards conservation, understand what sustainable tourism is all about, and, most importantly, grow fond of Thai culture.

And don't forget – you'll leave with memories that last forever because how many people do you know that have bathed an elephant? It’s one of the best summer trips for high school students.  

3. National Geographic Student Expeditions: Iceland Photography Workshop

Duration: 12 days

Location: Various locations across Iceland

Cost: $8,290 + airfare

Eligibility: High school students who are in grade 7 and above

Do you love photography and would like to improve your skills? Then this may be the perfect summer trip for you. 

The incredible 12-day Photography Workshop in Iceland by National Geographic Student Expeditions could just be the answer.

Think about taking pictures of surreal Icelandic landscapes like colossal cascades and steaming geysers, as well as black beaches with enormous glaciers.

You will be taught by a National Geographic photographer how to take advantage of lighting, composition, and narratives so that you can produce breathtaking photos that speak volumes about the character of this nation.

Nonetheless, it is not only about taking photographs on this trip. You will delve into the Icelandic culture and history, too. 

Experience the beautiful Reykjavik city, bathe in geothermal hot springs, and understand Iceland's renewable energy plans. With some luck, you could even witness and capture some of those elusive Northern Lights!

This program is perfect for young photographers at heart, lovers of nature, or anyone who dares to venture on such an extraordinary trip. 

A trip like this will enhance your photography and develop insight towards ecology and living green.

This practical experience using state-of-the-art equipment and guidance from professionals could lay a good foundation for your future career, either in photography or environmental studies.

4. Where There Be Dragons: Peru - Sacred Mountains

Duration: 28 days

Location: Various locations in Peru, including Cusco and rural Andean communities

Cost: $8,450 (excluding airfare)

Eligibility: High school students aged 15-18

Would you like to go on a trip that will walk through the history and people of Peru?

The program is known as "Peru: Sacred Mountains," and it lasts for four amazing weeks, during which you will be completely immersed in the Andean culture and environment.

This is not one of those holidays where you visit Machu Picchu like everyone else. 

Instead, you will live among the native people of the high Andes, where you will see first-hand their customs and ways of life. 

You might end up working on a farm, taking part in age-old rituals, or discovering how to make traditional clothes by weaving them.

In addition, there is a hike planned across the breathtaking Cordillera Vilcabamba mountain range that will push you to your limits physically but teach loads about this particular alpine environment, too.

Underneath the starry sky, you will set camp, cook together around a fire, and create strong bonds with other travellers like yourself.

It is an ideal summer trip for high school students who would love to study anthropology, environmental science, or sociology.

Throughout the program, there will be regular group discussions and personal reflections to help you digest your experiences and connect them with wider global concerns.

When this trip is over, you will have become very knowledgeable about the Andean culture and religion. 

Bonus: If you don’t have time in the summer, try this winter trip: Outward Bound: Florida Keys Sea Kayaking & Sailing

Duration: 9 days

Location: Florida

Cost: $3,335 

Eligibility: High school students aged 14-18

Well, this is a 14-day Sea Kayaking & Sailing expedition in the Florida Keys. It is a great winter trip for high school students who are adventurous at heart. 

Mangrove tunnels are some of the places that you will paddle through, snorkeling at live coral and then learning about chart reading and night navigation from stars. 

And maybe have to spend some nights alone in tents under the perfect sky on uninhabited islands.

You see, Outward Bound believes in challenging you to bring out your hidden abilities. So, don't be surprised when you're given some leadership responsibilities in your group. 

This program ticks all the boxes if you love nature, have ambitions of becoming a leader or just want to breathe in some really clean air having a sailing adventure.


So, from all we've said, summer trips are great for growth, education and adventure for high school students.

These experiences may determine what lies ahead of you, increase your chances of getting into college, and create memories that will last a lifetime. So, if you've been thinking about travelling this summer and you also want to learn a lot during the entire time, then consider these summer trips for high school students. 

Participating in student summer travel trips is a great way to learn and explore the world as a high school student. However if you are looking for a more academic-focus activity, try researching! Choose any topics that you like and turn it into a publishable research paper.

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About the autor

Participating in student summer travel trips is a great way to learn and explore the world as a high school student. However if you are looking for a more academic-focus activity, try researching! Choose any topics that you like and turn it into a publishable research paper.

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Participating in student summer travel trips is a great way to learn and explore the world as a high school student. However if you are looking for a more academic-focus activity, try researching! Choose any topics that you like and turn it into a publishable research paper.

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