How to Choose a Dream Profession as a High School Student


Indigo Research Team

July 5, 2024
Last Updated:
September 11, 2024
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Do you ever feel the pressure or get overwhelmed at 18? Perhaps you are hanging out with your friends at a swanky party, and suddenly, the conversation turns to future plans or how to choose a profession that fulfills you. Everyone gets asked, 'What are you planning to do with your life?' Maybe you haven't even figured out your first job, let alone a dream profession or career. Believe me, it happens to the best of us!

Choosing a profession that aligns with your goals and values is easier said than done. It's okay if you don't have your dream job figured out right now! Many people change careers throughout their lives.

How to Choose a Profession - Challenges and the Importance of Planning 

If you are in high school right now, believe me, you are at an excellent point in your life. The reason is simple – you’ve your whole life ahead of you. However, this is also the time to think about your future and make some preliminary plans. However, mapping out your future path may feel like a herculean task when you are in your teenage years, especially with the overwhelming number of options available after high school. Figuring out your first job is tough and tricky enough, but how to choose a profession that feels like "the one" can seem impossible.

You cannot exactly Google “Which profession should I choose” or “What profession is good for me?” and expect a customized answer – at least not in the near future. So, how do you go about finding an ideal profession, especially when you are not sure what you want to do in the first place?

You should consider your strengths, talk to people, think about who you are, and educate yourself. It is equally important to consider your needs – financial and otherwise and do what makes you satisfied and happy. 

A recent Gallup survey revealed that 60% of millennials alone are looking to change jobs. Hence, it isn’t unusual or problematic at all to be thinking, "I deserve a fulfilling career. How can I find the right fit and make it happen?"

Top Tips on Choosing the Right Profession

Your choice of profession will vary based on your needs, aspirations, and values. For example, if you are an outgoing type, you are likely to thrive in careers that involve frequent interaction with others, like public relations, sales, or event planning. In contrast, if you are a lone wolf or have a reserved nature, you may be successful in fields that value attention to detail and strong analytical skills. 

However, regardless of personality, you can use these tips to make an informed decision if you are not sure about what profession to choose.

1. Focus on Your Strengths

Simply because you are not sure about what career path or profession you want doesn’t imply you don’t understand what you are good at. An excellent and relatively simple way to focus on your key skills is to jot down your strengths. This will help you figure out your ideal profession.

You could be great at innovation, creativity, or artistic expression. If this doesn’t come naturally to you, there’s no harm in asking a friend or senior for their opinion. Another option is to consider a self-analysis resource or quiz, such as the Myers-Briggs personality test.

For instance, say the quiz or test indicates that you’ve excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Also, you have an analytical mindset and a strong desire to help others. In that case, you should consider, for example, jobs in human resources, counseling, or social work.

Taking a close look at what you are great at and things that make you tick personality-wise is an effective and powerful way of evaluating a future career path that will seamlessly fit and complement your strengths and make choosing the right profession a tad simpler.

2. Identify Your Interests

The next thing to consider when considering professions or engaging in career exploration is your interests. Consider these questions - what do you really enjoy? What would you like to learn more about?

Is it the role of psychology in marketing? Maybe you are interested in applied sciences or sports. There are plenty of different ways to go about this process. However, the most crucial thing is to question yourself about your desires and interests with an open mind. Finding a profession will be much easier when you know the answers to these questions.

3. Find Mentors

Choosing a career path can feel tricky and overwhelming for many high-school students, especially with a plethora of options available. As experienced professionals in your field of interest, a mentor can offer invaluable guidance and support as you explore your career options.

4. Work or Volunteer to Gain Experience

You will be happy to know that there are a growing number of internship and volunteer opportunities for high-school students. Practical experience is important to land a role in today's competitive and saturated job market. Seek both work and volunteer experiences in and out of school. 

These opportunities will help you assess your skills and level of interest and gain real-world knowledge. Plus, you will get to make connections and realize that choosing the right profession is not as difficult as you may have initially thought..

From a practical perspective, work experience looks great on college applications — and on your future job applications or resumes. Let’s say you’re interested in a journalism career. You can start writing for your high school newspaper or consider a part-time job at a local newspaper.

Final Thoughts

High school is exciting and a natural transition time for teenagers as you gradually move into adulthood and face the more adult issues of careers, work, and college. It is often a time of growth and presents some challenges. Choosing a profession that offers financial stability and peace of mind is an exciting journey of self-discovery. 

Once you've narrowed down your career interests and what you are good at, the next step is to consider how you'll master your chosen field. For most professions, this often involves pursuing further education at a college or university. Here's where your high school research experience can be immensely valuable! Universities value strong research skills, and participating in research projects shows your initiative and intellectual curiosity. Looking to learn more about conducting research in high school? Our team of mentors can provide valuable guidance and resources to help you get started and hopefully choosing the right profession won’t be a dilemma anymore. 

Follow the above steps and tips and actively explore your options, and you'll be well on your way to finding your ideal profession. Also, no matter what you pursue after high school, don’t stop learning and growing.

To discover the path to your dream profession starts with informed choices in high school. By joining Indigo Research, you can dive into your interests, gain insights, and work with top professors. Our program helps you explore career paths and enhances your college applications with publishable research. Stand out and find your true passion.

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About the autor

To discover the path to your dream profession starts with informed choices in high school. By joining Indigo Research, you can dive into your interests, gain insights, and work with top professors. Our program helps you explore career paths and enhances your college applications with publishable research. Stand out and find your true passion.

Start Your Research Journey
Start Your Research Journey

To discover the path to your dream profession starts with informed choices in high school. By joining Indigo Research, you can dive into your interests, gain insights, and work with top professors. Our program helps you explore career paths and enhances your college applications with publishable research. Stand out and find your true passion.

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