How To: Get admitted to King’s College London Law School through a Research Paper

Join us for an exciting webinar, “How To: Get into King’s College London Law School through a Research Paper,” where you’ll dive into the world of academic research and its powerful impact on college admissions!
February 27, 2024
12 pm UK time
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Meet Your Speakers:
Megan Ho
Ex-Indigo student

Securing admission to King's College London through her research paper, Megan Ho, an accomplished student from the German Swiss International School, excelled with ten 9s/A*s in IGCSEs and a remarkable IB score of 43/45. Leveraging her Indigo Research experience, she earned full marks on her IB Extended Essay, focusing on algorithmic bias in legislation.

Hiu Lam Leung
Senior Academic Advisor, Indigo Research

Pursued A-Levels at a UK boarding school and completed a Bachelor’s in Psychology at a top 25 UK university, University of East Anglia. Lam has supported over 60 students, with impressive admissions result to top US & UK universities such as, Cambridge, UPenn, Berkeley, UCLA, Carnegie Mellon, LSE, Imperial and more!

Thinking about applying to Top UK Universities?

A research paper could be your ticket in. Learn how you can use academic research to bolster your school application and stand out in the competitive admissions process. In this webinar, Megan is sharing her personal experience as an ex-Indigo student and how her research paper impacted her university application.

Here’s what you’ll experience:

  1. Meet Megan, a former Indigo student now studying Law at King’s College London, and Jeroen Lamb, a Professor at Imperial College London and an Indigo Mentor.
  2. Discover Megan’s journey and learn how she leveraged her research project to stand out in her college application.
  3. Explore the benefits of embarking on a research project as a high school student and gain insights into Megan’s current college research endeavors.
  4. Hear from a top professor as he shares his perspective on research papers and guides a student through the project process.