What Is the Odyssey of the Mind and Is It Worth It?


Indigo Research Team

September 30, 2024
Last Updated:
October 1, 2024
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Securing a place at college is a highly competitive process, particularly if you have your sites set on one of the more prestigious or after institutions. Given the level of competition, a strong academic performance isn’t always enough to ensure you have the edge.

Students are constantly looking for ways to further distinguish themselves from other candidates, and there are hundreds of extra-curricular programs all offering to help applicants stand out from the crowd.

One such opportunity is the Odyssey of the Mind Program - an international competition that over the past few years has seen a huge rise in its popularity.

So what exactly is the Odyssey of the Mind competition and will it really help you get into college? Read on to find out.

What does the Odyssey of the Mind competition entail?

Odyssey of the Mind is a creative problem-solving competition designed to encourage students to develop creative solutions to several different types of problems.

Participants work in teams to solve open-ended problems that will test their creativity, teamwork, and ingenuity.

What types of tasks or questions are assigned?

The problems with Odyssey of the Mind usually involve coming up with solutions for either realistic or fictional constructed scenarios. These tasks  require teams to develop creative and practical responses to the given task.

The Odyssey of the Mind structure is made up of different stages including both long-term and spontaneous problems.

Within the long-term problem-solving task, teams choose from a set of complex problems relating to engineering, art, and creativity. Contestants are then required to create a solution often in the form of a performance or skit.

Teams will also  face a set of spontaneous challenges that test their ability to think quickly and creatively. Problems can require a verbal or physical response or may need a combination of both.

Examples of previous tasks

The Odyssey of the Mind features new problems each year, but the general approach to the challenges generally remains consistent.

The Odyssey of the Mind 2024 problems included everything from designing and making all-terrain vehicles, robotic animals, and bespoke meal plans based on classic literature!

Some previous challenges and questions are as follows

"The Bridge to Somewhere": In this challenge teams were tasked with using limited resources to build a bridge by drawing on certain principles of engineering.  

"Classics... The Details": A performance-based task whereby participants had to create a short piece of theater that creatively reimagined a classic piece of literature or a historical event.

"Odyssey's Superheroes": Teams were asked to with develop a skit or sketch featuring a narrative incorporating original superheroes with unique powers.

Head to the OM website for further examples of previous tasks and challenges.

How long does the challenge take to complete?

There’s no getting away from the fact that becoming an Odyssey of the Mind winner, requires a significant time commitment with the process typically spanning several months. The process usually begins in the fall. Teams then spend around 3 to 5 months developing their solutions, which includes everything from the initial planning stage to the refining of projects.

This preparation culminates in regional competitions usually held in the spring, with successful teams advancing to state, national, and for the lucky few, global competitions. 

Who can take part?

There are four divisions for OM, separated by age or grade with division one catering for children in the third grade. Division four is the collegiate level where all team members must have a high school diploma or equivalent, and be enrolled in at least one course at a two or four-year college. 

Teams are made up of up to seven members. They do not all have to be from the same school, as long as all participating schools have bought a membership.

Is the Odyssey of the Mind recognized by colleges?

The Odyssey of the Mind isn’t a formal qualification and certainly won’t replace examination stats and scores. However, it is internationally recognized and brings with it significant prestige.

Moreover, some regional or state programs, as well as affiliated organizations, may provide scholarships or financial awards to Odyssey of the Mind winners or high-achieving participants.

Admissions tutors will be aware of the competition and the skills that are required to be successful. It’s also an ambitious undertaking so the completion of the program will undoubtedly demonstrate commitment and time management, as well as the ability to problem solve and work creatively as part of a team.

Perhaps most importantly it will give students plenty to talk about in the interview so they can be rest assured there won’t be any awkward silences!

Awards, winners and ceremonies

The competition starts with a rather impressive, high energy opening ceremony where all the teams come together to meet each other and will go on to represent their state or country in a parade. The ceremony marks the start of the three intensive days of competing and is live-streamed around the world.

The OM competition then culminates in a huge final awards ceremony. Out of around 800 teams, 19 will be announced World Champions. Teams placing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd will be awarded a trophy whilst teams placing 4th, 5th, and 6th receive an honourable mention.

There are also separate awards such as the  Ranatra Fusca Creativity Award which is given to a team or individual for demonstrating outstanding creativity.

Special medals are also presented to teams who serve as exemplary role models or as inspiration to others and there are even special awards for the coaches.

What are the alternatives to the Odyssey of the Mind?

Demonstrating technical findings or a feat of engineering through the medium of performance art or via an Odyssey of the Mind balsa wood structure isn’t for everyone!

Luckily there are myriad programs and projects for those looking for a different approach to gaining extra credits or bolstering an application.

When selecting the right one, it's important to pursue projects that you feel passionate about  and will also align with your future ambitions and endeavours.

Some initiatives such as Indigo Research will help high school & college students find premier research programs. In such projects, students are paired with top professors and will carry out research according to their particular field of interest.

Getting involved in research under the tuition of a mentor will not only further a student’s knowledge within their chosen field but will also demonstrate a commitment to learning outside of the classroom.

Students looking for a more vocational approach can engage in volunteer work or community service or those with sporting ability can demonstrate leadership and teamwork through commitment to a team and may even earn a scholarship if the standard is high enough.

Conclusion: Is the Odyssey of the Mind Program truly worth the investment?

There’s no doubt that Odyssey of the Mind can be a great deal of fun. It's an ideal program for those who want to break up academia and analytical thinking with a more performative and practical approach.

Much of the competition’s charm lies with the wonderful sense of interconnectedness that comes with it. Delegates from across the globe take part and form bonds through long-held traditions such as the Odyssey of the Mind pin badge trading!

The course is also unique to many other extra-curricular programs in that it combines technical problem-solving with more performative elements, demonstrating that those who participate are well-rounded individuals who have more to offer than excellent test scores.

So in short, for those wanting to make global connections and take part in a program that is a far cry from the average research project then the answer is definitely yes- the Odyssey of the Mind program is definitely worth your time!

If you’re looking for a project that’s more traditional or research-based, don’t forget that there are other options out there. Many of our students have gone on to gain a place at some of the country’s top-tier institutions and have even had their work published in academic journals. Who knows, people could be learning from your research before you’ve even started college!

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About the autor

If you’re looking for a project that’s more traditional or research-based, don’t forget that there are other options out there. Many of our students have gone on to gain a place at some of the country’s top-tier institutions and have even had their work published in academic journals. Who knows, people could be learning from your research before you’ve even started college!

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If you’re looking for a project that’s more traditional or research-based, don’t forget that there are other options out there. Many of our students have gone on to gain a place at some of the country’s top-tier institutions and have even had their work published in academic journals. Who knows, people could be learning from your research before you’ve even started college!

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