Math Kangaroo Competition - How to Win


Indigo Research Team

July 18, 2024
Last Updated:
September 11, 2024
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Every year, thousands of students all over the globe take part in the Math Kangaroo Competition, a remarkable and prestigious math contest. It offers an exciting opportunity for young mathematicians to showcase their skills through its engaging and challenging questions.

This competition also tests their mathematical knowledge but it encourages creative problem solving and critical thinking. So, what is the secret to winning this competition?

Keep reading to explore strategies and pieces of advice on how to prepare for math kangaroo.

What Is Math Kangaroo Competition?

Math Kangaroo Competition is an international mathematical contest that seeks to inspire a love for mathematics in students of all ages. It comprises multiple-choice questions designed to test problem-solving abilities as well as mathematical reasoning.

Originating from Australia, the Math Kangaroo contest has metamorphosed into a worldwide event attracting participants from more than eighty countries. Its goal is promoting mathematical thinking by developing student’s problem-solving skills.

In time, it has attained prestige as an event which plays a great role in building deeper understanding and appreciation of mathematics among students from different parts of the world.

Who Can Participate in Math Kangaroo?

The math kangaroo registration is open to students ranging from grade one through twelve who must be able to work on their own, read and answer multiple-choice questions.

Usually, participants compete based on their current school grades, but the contest also takes into account exceptional learners. These students may write the test with an elevated level of difficulty than that of their present school grade.

Kindergarten pupils who are up for the task are also allowed to take part in it as if they were first graders. Thus, every child having a math talent is given an opportunity to participate and perform well.

Tips To Win The Math Kangaroo 2024 Competition

1. Understanding the Format

To do well in the Math Kangaroo Competition, you need to understand how the examination is done. The questions are multiple-choice, with an average of five choices that can be made. The numbers per grade are different: between one and four students answer 24 questions while those from five to twelve tackle 30.

The questions are meant to test a wide range of skills at various levels of difficulty. Some have a straightforward nature and require basic problem-solving abilities while others are more complex and demanding. This means that there must be strategic thinking—know the right time to approach or skip a question.

Similarly, some math kangaroo questions carry more marks than others due to their level of difficulty thereby making it necessary that one gives priority to simpler ones in order to maximize their results. Therefore, using past papers and grasping the marking scheme will be very useful in formulating an effective approach towards answering these questions.

2. Test Yourself With Math Kangaroo Past Papers

After you understand the format of the Math Kangaroo Contest, take a diagnostic test using previous Math Kangaroo papers. By this means, through it you can be able to tell your strong points and areas that need some improvement.

Look at each section of the questions in depth, to find out which ones you struggled with and where you did well. For instance, are there particular types of questions that you seem to always get wrong?

Ultimately, a study plan will enable one identify the weak points one should concentrate on during revision. Moreover, it will serve as a yardstick for measuring your improvements as you prepare further for the contest.

3. Mastering Mental Calculation

In competitive exams like the math kangaroo test, speed plays a vital role and for this reason, sharpening your mental math skills can help you greatly improve your performance.

It is important that you regularly practice basic mathematical operations in your mind such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Knowing by heart tables of multiplication till 12 and squares as well as cubes till ten will help one solve sums more swiftly.

Since Time is a key factor in the kangaroo competition, with no more than 2.5 minutes recommended per question, efficient mental calculation is essential. For instance learning Vedic mathematics techniques becomes handy while multiplying quantities that are larger or when calculating squares or cubes at lightning speed.

Let’s say you want to multiply two numbers that are 98 and 97, both close to one hundred. You subtract each number from the latter one (2 and 3 respectively), then calculate the difference (5) with a hundred, and eventually multiply the remaining portion (6), thereby getting 9506. 

Doing these math kangaroo practice tests not only sharpens your mind but also builds up bravery that helps you in making quick calculations when under pressure.

4. Reviewing the Syllabus

To begin, go through the Math Kangaroo syllabus for your grade as available at the official Math Kangaroo website. Then, make sure you understand everything that has been presented in this syllabus.

Concentrate on these particular areas during your preparations. Once you know what is there in the syllabus, you will be able to identify some key points that should be focused on so that studying for the competition can be synchronized with its rules.

Mind, pay attention to any new or tough subjects so as to increase your chances of excelling in this contest.

5. Create a Study Schedule

Firstly, create an exhaustive study plan that contains both day-to-day and weekly goals. Designate specific time slots for concept review, problem solving sessions and full practice tests. Be honest about how much time you can actually give every day and balance between strengthening your strong areas and working on your weak points.

Spending less time on what you are best at and tackling more difficult questions speedily might earn you more marks. Also, concentrating on weaker areas may help ensure medium difficulty questions get attempted rather than skipping them entirely.

6. Taking Full-Length Mock Tests

It is also important to take full-length mock tests on a regular basis from the final few weeks. Then, when the kangaroo test is over, go back and carefully review all of the solutions, including those for questions you got wrong, skipped or correctly answered. 

This is also because practicing with online exams will enable you to have an experience similar to taking exams in reality. This way, you will be able to familiarize yourself with stress and enhance your time management skills. Observe your own behavior in order to gauge your progress and determine where to worsen.

Consider using the mathematics kangaroo’s free resources like sample questions, online exams and workshops. Those who are enrolled will enjoy access to video solutions.

7. Use Spaced Repetition

The information we learn months before is harder to recall compared to the one learned a few minutes ago because our memory naturally deteriorates with time. Fight against this by making your revision time spaced so that you can be able to visit topics several times before final exams.

An example of this method is spaced repetition, which helps reinforce your memory so that you can have a better understanding of the material.

Here are some suggestions on how to enhance retention in memory:

  • Day 1: Learn topic A and solve all examples without looking at solutions.
  • Day 2: Finish all basic questions, half of the average ones and a quarter hard ones, marking those you attempted but couldn’t answer at once.
  • Day 5: Look again at concepts behind the problem marked and attempt solving them again. Do half of the remaining average questions plus another quarter of difficulty. Mark any questions not solved yet.
  • Day 12: Again, Check over those problems from each question marked as such now attempting all remaining questions available.

Alter it depending on your choice or style of learning. Interestingly enough, spaced repetition can be employed across any subject matter, leading to remembering things better in future

8. Staying Motivated and Stress-Free

To solve any problem within the math kangaroo time limit, it is necessary to have a clear mind. Thus, you should always be motivated and avoid stress in the process of your preparation. Ensure you get regular, quality sleep—aim for eight hours each night. Eat healthy and nutritious meals to fuel your body and mind.

Additionally, spend quality time with family and friends since this fosters emotional wellness through social support. Take regular breaks to exercise and engage in hobbies you love doing most of the time. 

Such activities would keep you lively in order to provide a balanced approach for your preparation while you maintain high motivation levels.

What Happens After The Math Kangaroo Competition

After the competition, participants can hardly wait for their math kangaroo results. It is important to understand how these scores are arrived at and what they represent in order to assess performance.

Each problem in the contest has a specific number of points tied to it based on its level of difficulty. The total math kangaroo scores is gotten by summing up all these points. Some incorrect math kangaroo answers may have penalties so it is crucial that students know how it is scored.

It usually provides detailed score explanations, including individual question responses and reveals one’s strengths and weaknesses and areas for growth within them. Also, national rankings are published so that students can compare themselves with others from around the country.

This detail saves time for teachers and assists students in identifying those domains where more mathematics education should be provided.

The Math Kangaroo Awards

Different prizes such as certificates, medals, ribbons and awards are given to the best performing students in the math kangaroo competition to compensate for their abilities in mathematics.

This one-of-a-kind contest makes math fun and also cultivates logical thinking as well as problem-solving skills necessary for developing a positive attitude towards mathematics.

Winners of the Contest receive:

  • Medal and ribbon: Top 3 in country/state
  • Educational in-kind gifts: Top 10 in the country/Top 3 in the state
  • Invitation to educational seminars
  • Scholarship considerations
  • National/international all-expense-paid math camp considerations
  • Winner magnet: Top 20 in the country

These math kangaroo prizes motivate students to strive for excellence while maintaining enthusiasm and confidence in taking more steps into mathematics.


Participating in Math Kangaroo Competition is an experience that has its rewards with respect to mathematical skills development and boosting self-esteem. By following these tips for success, students can prepare themselves and have a higher chance of winning. Good luck, dear future mathematicians!

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If you want to dive deeper into the world of Math, there are many ways to challenge yourself. Why not conduct research in mathematics? We will pair you with top professors who are eager to elevate your skills through our rigorous research curriculum.

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If you want to dive deeper into the world of Math, there are many ways to challenge yourself. Why not conduct research in mathematics? We will pair you with top professors who are eager to elevate your skills through our rigorous research curriculum.

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