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High School Research Program

AI, Computer Science, Engineering and more

Get mentorship from top professors to transform your academic passion into publishable research!
Explore the outcomes
Explore the outcomes

What you can achieve with Indigo Research

Read Pi Rey's published paper
Read Pi Rey’s published paper
Pi Rey L.
Dr. Eric S.

Get access to mentors from
top US & UK universities

At Indigo Research, we collaborate with professors from top universities in the US and UK to offer you an exceptional opportunity to work on your own research project and get mentored by the best in the field!
Stanford University
Columbia University
Yale University
Brown University
University of Oxford
King’s College London
University of Cambridge

Interested in starting
your own research project?

☑ Get 1:1 mentoring from top professors & PhDs

☑ Master the research process

☑ Communicate your findings

☑ Publish

Get 1:1 mentoring from top professors & PhDs
Make your college applications stand out
Cultivate your expertise
Publish your research in academic journals

We do not currently offer scholarships for this research program. The tuition fees start from $3,700 USD.
Sign up today!
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Why do research in high school

Study with
Top Professors

You’ll be guided by PhDs and faculty researchers from top US and UK universities who work at the cutting edge of their fields.

Make Your College Applications Stand Out

Research experience will demonstrate your intellectual curiosity, academic talent, and expertise in tackling complex projects.

Publish Your Research in Academic Journals

No matter your passion, Indigo Research will help you turn it into real-world contributions to your field by working with you to develop your expertise and publish your findings in academic journals.

Your Expertise

By doing research, you’ll develop the analytical, writing, and research techniques needed to advance through college, graduate school, and beyond.

Indigo Research Experience

Our research experience and publication in a journal will significantly boost your college application and help you to stand out in a competitive pool of applicants.

Module 1
Learn the fundamentals of the research process alongside research methods in the chosen field.
Module 2
Learn theory related to your subject, read and discuss research papers specific to your field alongside your mentor.
Module 3
Work 1:1 with your mentor to outline, develop, and complete either a literature review or a full-length research paper.
Module 4
Get writing support and insights into the publishing process so that you can submit your work to academic journals, conferences, competitions etc.

Choose your Package

Indigo Research has options for high school research at every level. In our Explorer Package, students new to the world of academic research will develop a literature review for a subject in a field of their choosing.

Our Researcher and Innovator Packages are designed for those who wish to dive headfirst into a full-fledged research project with either secondary or primary data.

Writing and Publishing
Final Product
The Explorer Package focuses on the basics. You’ll learn research foundations, and research methods in your subject area, and work one-on-one with your mentor to create a Literature Review or a science communication essay.
3-5 months
Module 1. Research Foundations
Pre-recorded lectures.
Module 2. Lecture Module
5 hours of 1:1 sessions. Mentor delivers lectures/seminar style sessions to help the student hone in on a research question.
Module 3. Research Module
5 hours of 1:1 sessions. Students start the writing process and mentor gives feedback.
Module 4. Publication Module
Access to the formatting and editing guidebook, and undergraduate journal list.
Literature review or science communication essay (2,000 words).
$3,700 USD
The Researcher Package includes everything in the Explorer, along with significant additional one-on-one time with your mentor to help you complete a full research project using secondary data.
5-10 months
Module 1. Research Foundations
Pre-recorded lectures.
Module 2. Lecture Module
5 hours of 1:1 sessions. Mentor delivers lectures/seminar style sessions to help the student hone in on a research question.
Module 3. Research Module
15 hours of 1:1 sessions. Students start the writing process and mentor gives feedback.
Module 4. Publication Module
Access to the formatting and editing guidebook, and undergraduate journal list + 2 rounds of editing support from our Essay Review Team.
Literature review or empirical research paper based on secondary data (2,000 to 4,000 words).
$6,600 USD
The Innovator Package is the most in-depth research and mentorship program Indigo Research has to offer. As an Innovator, you’ll work over the course of 11-18 months (depending on your pace and preference) with your mentor to complete a research paper featuring original data, and receive personalized publication strategy support.
12-18 months
Module 1. Research Foundations
Pre-recorded lectures.
Module 2. Lecture Module
10 hours of 1:1 sessions. Mentor delivers lectures/seminar style sessions to help the student hone in on a research question.
Module 3. Research Module
30 hours of 1:1 sessions. Students start the writing process and mentor gives feedback.
Module 4. Publication Module
Access to the formatting and editing guidebook, and undergraduate journal list + 5 hours of 1:1 publication strategy sessions.
Research paper involving data collection and analysis (+ 5,000 words).
Pricing is available upon consultation.
Start any time during the year with 100% meeting flexibility!

Explore Indigo Student Projects

American Versus Chinese Inflation During COVID-19
Sahithi B
Gizem C.
Yale University
Social Sciences
The Molecular Basis of Cystic Fibrosis
Lydia Z.
Kif L.
Stanford University
Evolutionary Transition States of the Syntrophy Hypothesis and Hydrogen Hypothesis in Review: A work on Eukaryogenesis
Ayden G.
Jonathan F.
Keck Graduate Institute
The Genetics of Races: Genetics Applied to Races, Diseases and Social Sciences
Camilla F.
Jonathan F.
Keck Graduate Institute
Using Regulatory T-Cells to Treat Type 1 Diabetes in Humans
Jaisal V.
Brydie H.
University of Pittsburgh
A Review of the Mechanics of Dragline Spider Silk
Leo S.
Sammy H.
Harvard University
Review of Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency
Nalaprada K. W.
Alejandro S.
Stanford University
Histone Lysine Demethylase 5B Role in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Lily M.
Albert B.
University of Cambridge
Connection Between CDH8 and KMT2A May Show Links to Weidemann-Steiner Syndrome and Hint at a Larger Pattern in Mechanistically Linked Genes
Sirui W.
Albert B.
University of Cambridge
Comprehensive Review of SSRIs and SNRIs, Their Efficacy, and Associated Side Effects
Yao S.
Boris L.
University of Oxford
Role of Physical Exercise in Cognitive Function
Ruth X.
Kif L.
Stanford University
Understanding Automated Emotion Classification for Art with Class Activation Mapping
Nastasya A.
Timothy A.
Yale University
Computer Science
Impact of YouTubers on Cryptocurrency
Khushi L.
Brian Amorim C.
University College London
Social Sciences
Applications of Australian Native Aquatic Plants on Purifying Wastewater Sources
Nathan N.
James K.
Yale University
Applications of Australian Native Aquatic Plants on Purifying Wastewater Sources
Nathan N.
James K.,
Yale University
Women's Roles
in Greek Tragedy
Summer S.
Rhiannon P.,
Princeton University
Role of Physical Exercise in Cognitive Function
Ruth X.
Kif L.
Stanford University
Social Dominance in Infants and Toddlers
Alissa H.
Nora I.
Columbia University
Impact of YouTubers on Cryptocurrency
Khushi L.
Brian Amorim C.
University College London

Hear from our students

David X.
Harrow School, UK

“Working with a professor gave me more freedom and independence in decision making and where I wanted to take the project. The expertise also meant that I could always have ideas reviewed and concepts clarified. My experience with Indigo Research has been truly unique and insightful and has allowed me to push my own interests beyond my original boundaries”

Illarion I.
Lyceum "Second School", Russia

“This program allowed me to acquire knowledge in the field of organizing research work, to understand how the task is formulated and the experiment is conducted. Doing research opens up a new vision of many subjects. For me this is the story of the development of my passion for Computer Science, as well as the discovery of a new interest in mathematics”

Lilit A.
Glendale High School, US

“This course has given me the opportunities to improve my skills, to connect with experienced mentors, and has taught me how to better manage my time. I'd recommend this program to future students because it gave me valuable experience for the future. I plan to go into neurosurgery, so taking this course gave me a detailed look at what I'd be dealing with”

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a mentor?

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Aspire to start working on your own research project?

☑ Get 1:1 mentoring from top professors & PhDs

☑ Master the research process

☑ Communicate your findings

☑ Publish

Start anytime – program schedule is flexible!
Explore your interests and choose any topic
Get mentorship from top professors
Publish your research in academic journals

We do not currently offer scholarships for this research program. The tuition fees start from $3,700 USD.
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